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To carry out Research and Development in the area of chemical sciences under the following themes:
* Directed Basic Research
* Contribution to current societal needs
Major R & D Activities
1- Studies related to nuclear materials

2–Hydrogen Energy

3- Nanotherapeutics and Biosensors

4– High Purity materials & Organometallics

5– Functional materials and Nano composites

6- Theoretical Chemistry
7- Instrumentation and Development Work




SAXS evaluates the X-ray scattering pattern of macromolecules at small angles to get information about their particle structure
\r\nScattering angles: 0.2° - 10 ° D = 1 nm - 100 nm
\r\nSource: Cu-Ka Detector: CCD


SAXS evaluates the X-ray scattering pattern of macromolecules at small angles to get information about their particle structure
\r\nScattering angles: 0.2° - 10 ° D = 1 nm - 100 nm
\r\nSource: Cu-Ka Detector: CCD


This system allows to deposit thin films by LB technique, which provides highly ordered thin films of various organic materials based on amphiphilic molecules.
\r\nCurrently used for preparing thin films used in gas sensor, biosensor and solar photovoltaics


Electrochemical studies and impedance analysis of thin films , liquids etc
\r\nUsed in Gas sensing and solar photovolatics research


Useful in idenitfying biomolecular interactions.
\r\nUsed in the development of biosensors


The instrument measures impedance of solid and liquid samples in the frequency range 1 Hz to 32 MHz.
\r\nA high temperature cell has been attached to this instrument to measure the conductivity, dielectric constant of solid samples up to 800 °C.


Used to characterise rheological parameters (viscosity, shear modulus etc) of complex fluids
\r\nCorrelation of microstructural paramaters of nanostructured materials


Useful to characterise nanoparticle size and surface charge.
\r\nComplementary to Small angle Neutron Scattering studies done in collaboration with SSPD (Dhruva Reactor).
\r\nCurrently used for drug delivery research


This is a sensitive instrument to measure enthalpy change accompany any physical and chemical change in the sample. The temperature range of measurement is 150-1000 K.
\r\nThis instrument is currently employed to measure heat capacity of fluoride and oxide samples.


Measures enthalpy change accompanying
\r\ndissolution of oxides, alloys in a known solvent.
\r\nThe instrument gives useful data on standard molar enthalpy of formation of compounds.
\r\n The standard molar enthalpy of formation of
\r\nlarge number of compounds of fission products
\r\nhave been determined using this technique


It is used to measure
\r\nEnthalpy of formation
\r\nEnthalpy of mixing
\r\nHeat capacity
\r\nTemperature range: 298-1000 K
\r\nHeat capacity and enthalpy of formation of
\r\nlarge number of compounds of fission
\r\nproducts of AHWR system have been


Used to measure mass changes of decomposition
\r\nreactions as a function of temperature. It can be also be used
\r\nto determine melting point, phase transition
\r\n temperature , heat of reaction. The instrument is
\r\nmost suitable to delineate phase diagram of multi-
\r\ncomponent systems.
\r\nEGA components helps in identifying the non
\r\ncondensable gases.
\r\nA large number samples (>2000) from our group,
\r\nfrom the our division and from other divisions have
\r\nbeen analyzed using this instrument. Currently this
\r\ninstrument is used for the analysis of MSBR and core
\r\ncatcher samples. Phase diagram of many binary and
\r\nternary systems have been delineated


Used to measure mass changes of decomposition
\r\nreactions as a function of temperature. It can be also be used
\r\nto determine melting point, phase transition
\r\n temperature , heat of reaction. The instrument is
\r\nmost suitable to delineate phase diagram of multi-
\r\ncomponent systems.
\r\nEGA components helps in identifying the non
\r\ncondensable gases.
\r\nA large number samples (>2000) from our group,
\r\nfrom the our division and from other divisions have
\r\nbeen analyzed using this instrument. Currently this
\r\ninstrument is used for the analysis of MSBR and core
\r\ncatcher samples. Phase diagram of many binary and
\r\nternary systems have been delineated

Technologies Developed


The Extra-Cellular Acidity Analyzer (ECAA) can measure extracellular acidity in the
\r\nmicroenvironment of live cells in real time. Lactic acid production is the main contributor
\r\nto extracellular acidification and is correlated to the rate of glycolysis. Due to abnormal
\r\nmetabolism and rapid growth, cancer cells are known to have high rate of glycolysis which
\r\nresults in higher extracellular acidity as compared to normal cells. To sense this basic
\r\ndifference between normal and cancer cells, we have developed a sensor to measure
\r\nextracellular pH that can be used as an indirect tool to detect cancer. The extracellular
\r\nacidity values of various cancer cell lines measured using ECAA match well with the values
\r\nreported in literature using other methods. The sensor can also be used for evaluating
\r\nefficacy of glycolysis inhibiting anti-cancer drugs for its application in screening of drug


Curcumin is the major active ingredient in turmeric which is known in India as a medicinal herb since ancient times. It is known to
\r\npossess excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-arthritic activities. Four different formulations have been
\r\ndeveloped with curcumin as a key ingredient.


Ultrapure arsenic (6N) finds extensive application in
\r\nelectronics industry as III-V compound
\r\nsemiconductors and as a dopant. Arsenic (6N pure)
\r\nat present is not manufactured in India and needs
\r\nimport. BARC has standardized a protocol for
\r\nproducing 6N (99.9999%) pure arsenic from
\r\ncommercially available arsenic trioxide (99.9%). The
\r\nproduct quality obtained is equal to or better than
\r\nthe imported product.


Zone refining is a technique used to purify material
\r\nwith sharp melting points from 99.95% to
\r\n99.9999+% and above. It is being widely used in
\r\nthe semiconductor industry for refining of
\r\ngermanium and silicon to purity levels of 9N and
\r\nabove (i.e. >=99.9999999%) also for organic
\r\ncompounds having sharp melting points.


Lithium ion batteries are one of the best energy storage systems due to their inherent safety, higher capacity and lower
\r\nweight. These batteries are very useful in various sectors like telecommunication, transportation and different portable
\r\nelectrical devices. Other advantages of lithium ion battery include their (a) light weight (b) high open circuit voltage (c) low
\r\ndischarge rate. Battery containing NMC based cathode exhibit higher voltage, higher capacity and high rate capability.


Lithium-ion batteries are one of the best energy storage systems due to their inherent
\r\nsafety, higher capacity and lower weight. In a lithium-ion battery, lithium ions migrate from
\r\nthe negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge, and back on re-charging.
\r\nThe carbon coated lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) is better
\r\nchoice as cathode because of its low cost, thermal stability and environment friendliness.
\r\nAt present carbon is used as anode material. However, large amount of materials is
\r\nrequired as well as carbon become stresses upon electrochemical cycling.


Gas sensors are usually operated at high temperature to achieve fast response and
\r\nreversibility and this leads to shorter lifetime of the sensor. Nanocrystalline SnO2
\r\nthin films fabricated from the thermal decomposition of Langmuir Blodgett (LB) film
\r\nprecursor, exhibit room temperature gas sensitivity comparable to that required for
\r\nair quality monitoring. LB technique offers control over SnO2 film thickness and
\r\ncrystallite size. By controlling the crystallite size and film thickness room
\r\ntemperature operation is achieved. The sensor is specific to SO2 gas at room
\r\ntemperature and shows fast response and recovery without any carrier gas flow.
\r\nThe stability studies indicated that these sensors are stable at least for a year with
\r\nno significant change in sensitivity.


Gas sensors are usually operated at high temperature to achieve fast response and
\r\nreversibility and this leads to shorter lifetime of the sensor. Nanocrystalline SnO2
\r\nthin films fabricated from the thermal decomposition of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film
\r\nprecursor, exhibit room temperature gas sensitivity comparable to that required for
\r\nair quality monitoring. LB technique offers control over SnO2 film thickness and
\r\ncrystallite size. By controlling the crystallite size and film thickness room
\r\ntemperature operation is achieved. The sensor is specific to NH3 gas at room
\r\ntemperature and shows fast response and recovery without any carrier gas flow.
\r\nThe stability studies of the sensor indicated that these sensors are stable at least for
\r\na year with no significant change in sensitivity.


The increasing demand of gallium based materials (e.g. GaAs, GaP, GaN, etc) for micro-electronic devices (e.g. optoelectronic devices, solar
\r\npanels) has been a driving force for the preparation of organogallium compounds in a convenient manner. Special stoichiometric magnesiumgallium alloys are versatile reagents used for the synthesis of a range of organogallium compounds. The latter find application in organometallic
\r\nchemistry, catalysis and in materials science for gallium based semiconductors of gallium based semiconductor materials (e.g. GaAs, GaN, GaP,
\r\nGaSb, InGaAs, InGaN, AlGaInP, InGaP and AlInGaNP) via metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE).


Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic and flammable gas, usually generated in sewages, swamps, mines etc. Hydrogen sulfide gas detector finds application
\r\nin petroleum refineries, paper mills, tanneries and other industries, laboratories, and in heavy water plants where it is used as a process gas. It is
\r\nimperative that the gas should be detected in ppm levels in air by selective and sensitive sensors. We have exploited surface conductivity of
\r\nhydrogen terminated diamond films to detect trace levels (<1ppm) of hydrogen sulfide at room temperature.


Trimethylgallium, Ga(CH3)3 , often abbreviated to TMG or TMGa, commonly used metalorganic source of gallium for metalorganic vapour phase
\r\nepitaxy (MOVPE) for preparation of gallium-containing compound semiconductors used in fabricaton of optoelectronic devices and solar panels.
\r\nIn our synthetic method the intermediate adduct of TMG is prepared which has no such limitation & can be stored for long time without any
\r\nstringent safety precautions.


Of the thermoluminescence phosphors, dysprosium doped calcium
\r\nsulphate (CaSO4:Dy) phosphor is one of the most efficient phosphors
\r\nfor use in radiation dosimetry, i.e. for monitoring the radiation
\r\n(Gamma or X-ray) dose received by personnel working with radiation.

Show Cases


Directed research


Sensor technologies


Cancer Therapies


Hydrogen Energy
