Appointment System:
New appointments can be given from dispensaries & hospitals. For some specialties it can be directly taken from OPD PA's without a referral note from dispensary doctors like Dental, Ophthalmic, ENT, etc. While For other OPDs like Medical, Surgical, Gynecology, Orthopedic the appointments can be given for Consultation if referrals note of the concerned dispensary is available and such referral note may be asked at the time of Consultation.
Follow-up appointment are generally given by the PAs, RMOs, Consultants, etc. at the time of consultation if follow up consultation is required or as it is suggested to asked for, when required.
Tokens Number System in OPD:
In each OPD, patient has to meet the attending Doctors according to the token number given by PA's. Token number for each patients are generated by the Computers as per the Appointment Time of the patient with the grace period of half an hour from the Specified time.
Token numbers are generally combination of 3/4 digits in which ISt 1 or 2 digits indicates the Room Number which varies according to Consultant. Last Two digits are the real token number from the series which are classified as follows:
1 to 50: This is with the prior appointment with time.
51 to 80: This is without the Appointment including the Urgent. This also includes the patients who are coming without appointment for showing the reports. Some times urgent cases may be called out of turn, depending upon the urgency of patients.
81 to 99: This is for the patients with prior appointment who are attending the hospital with delay of more than half an hour.
If Patient with appointment is reporting before appointment time or within the 30 minutes after appointment time (Grace period) then he will be given the Normal Token Number (between 1 to 50). While the patient coming after this grace period will be given the Late Token Number(between 81 - 90).
Even if 1 to 50 token are generated as per the schedule time it may not be first come first service basis.
e.g. one patient is having appointment at 10 AM but has come earlier than other patient who has appointment
at 9 AM, and this patient is come is time with grace period then in this case token number for the patient at
9 AM appointment will be earlier than the patient with 10 am appointment.
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