Alongwith the routine primary health care facility, Anand Bhavan dispensary is
having full flagged Dental Clinic with lab which caters to dental need of all patient belonging to any of the chss zonal dispensaries.
Seperate pathology unit is functioning in the dispensary to conduct the routine laboratory tests of the patients.
Special Clinics:
Skin Clinic - Monday, Wednesday, Friday between 09:00 to 11:00 Hrs.
Dental Clinic - Wednesday to Saturday between 08:00 to 15:00 Hrs.
Pathology - Monday to Saturday between 8:00 to 15:00 Hrs.
Contact Information:
Anand Bhavan
Bhulabhai Desai Road,
Mumbai - 400 026
Contact No.:
022 - 2367 1412, 2445 8507, 3292 8923 & 85911 08322
Email ID:
Visit Timing:
08:00 to 15:00 Hrs Monday - Saturday
13:00 to 13:30 Hrs Lunch Break
Our Doctors:
Name Designation Contact No. Off.
Res. Mobile E-Mail ID |
: :
: : : :
Dr. (Smt) Anita Patil
MOIC, Anand Bhavan, Scientific Officer - G
022 - 2367 1412
022 - 2550 3116
098199 40682
Name Designation Contact No. Off.
Res. Mobile E-Mail ID |
: :
: : : :
Dr. (Smt) J M Rajurkar
Scientific Officer - F
022 - 2445 8507
Special Clinics:
Consultant Visit Time
: :
Dr. Preeta Yadav
Monday - 11:30 to 14:30
Wednesday - 11:30 to 14:30
Friday - 09:00 to 12:00 |
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