Acquisition of Journals : Journals are subscribed annually through one time payment from different vendors. For the convenience of purchasing/invoicing journals are divided as foreign, Indian, society publications, gratis, exchange.
After receiving the issues of the journals, they are checked against the Challan and entered in the Visadex. Then stamping and labeling is done, red labels for latest/current issues and green labels for the old issues. Copies are then sent for display; new titles added are displayed separately. Journals/back-files subscribed online are checked periodically for availability and accessibility.
In case of journals, sending reminders is important task. Reminders are sent to the vendors for issues that are not received online. So also soiled issues are sent back for replacement. Payment refund is asked for long overdue and unpublished issues.
The library subscribes to more than 1000 important scientific & technical journals in nuclear science & technology and allied areas. Besides, about 130 journals are received either gratis or on exchange basis. Current journals are displayed alphabetically by titles in the Current Journal Display area of the Library. Journals are sent to the bound volume section after the volume / set is complete.
All issues of a particular volume are collected, assigned a Accession no and sent to the binder for binding. Binding slips are generated for each volume. Binding list for binder is generated. After receiving, the bound volume stamping and bar-coding label pasting is done. Further the bound volumes are placed in shelves alphabetically title wise.
Online journals and back-files electronic journals are subscribed on yearly basis while some are ordered for 3-5 years together. All online journals and back-files are made available on Lakshya.
Automation : Intigrated Library Management software (ILMS) is used for entering new titles, subscription, adding issues of the title, generating reminders etc.
Journal database is available on On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of ILMS for free searching by the user using the computer terminals connected to Saraswati.
List of journals subscribed for the current year is available on Saraswati.