Issue of documents
Registered Library members are allowed to get issued Library documents as per their entitlement. However, if the book is having reservations, the same book is issued for 15 days only instead of normal duration of 30 days.
Further, if any new book (which is on-display), having more than 10 reservations, the book is kept for next 30 days in Library for reference. The same is issued after 30 days as per the reservation list.
Reference Books, Bound volumes, Floppy, CD-ROM, DVD, Microfiche and video cassettes are not issued out.
Renewal of documents
Books issued to a member can be renewed unless they are not reserved by some one else. Member needs to bring the books to the Library for getting them renewed.
Return of documents
Documents issued out from the Library should be returned at the circulation desk, during its working hours, i.e. 9.00 AM to 5.45 PM on any working day. Documents issued through report section should be returned in the report section only.
All documents must be returned by the members within the due date before going on deputation, extraordinary / special or any other leave exceeding one month.
Reservation of documents
A library member can reserve a book currently issued out by filling-in a form available at the Circulation counter. Notifications for availability of reserved books are sent to individual members at their official address. Book, which has got more than 10 reservations, are kept aside for the period of one month.
Overdue charges
A nominal amount per week will be charged as late return fee for each week or part of the week after the due date of return.
Loss of documents
In case of loss of any document, the member should inform the circulation counter in writing. Member has to pay the usual overdue charges upto the date of reporting the loss of document. The current procurement cost of the document will be recovered from the member. However, if the Library is not in a position to procure a new copy of the document for replacement for any reason, the member will be asked to pay three times the cost of the document. The member may replace the document with that of a new copy of the same edition/volume. No photocopy will be accepted as replacement of the document.
ILL : Inter-Library-loan service is provided. User has to fill-in the requisition form specifying details of the document. Intimation is sent after the document is acquired/loaned to the requester.
Automation : Check-in-out is done through ILM Software. Reminders, Check-in, Check-out and fine slips are printed using the software. Daily book transactions are printed at the end of the day. Status of the book like missing, withdrawn, on-display is also specified. Various reports are also generated using ILMS. |