Book Acquisition : Acquisition Section deals with acquisition of books/CDs/databases/reports etc for central as well as divisional libraries. After receiving a requisition for a specific document, order is placed to the vendor. Once the book is received, it is accessioned followed by stamping; where spine labels, book card, document slip are pasted along with library seal.
Cataloguing/Classification : Book are classified as per the, Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) scheme. Cataloguing of a book includes, updaing bibliographic information, specifying -subject headings, physical format, location, language, special notes etc. Special issues of journals are also catalogued and classified. After cataloguing barcode labels are generated and pasted on the books. Books are then sent for Weekly Display and intimation is sent to the requisitioner (who has requested the book). After a week books are released for general Circulation.
Shelving : Book are filed/shelved according to UDC/BOS system. Reference books are shelved separately in reference area. Data validation is done periodically.
Automation : All the above in-house activities viz ordering, invoicing, payments, accessioning, cataloguing are done through a Integrated library management software system. All types of reports, enquiries, bibliographies, catalogue cards, accession register (maintained manually as well), weekly display lists are generated/printed using various modules available in the software. More accessibility to this entire process is given through Web-OPAC, where a user can trace various stages of processing (like approval, ordering, processing etc.) of a book.