INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR INFORMATION SYSTEM: INIS, the International Nuclear Information System is the world´s leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.
INIS is operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with 114 Member States and 19 Co-operating International Organizations.
BARC is the Liaison Agency for the INIS (International Nuclear Information System) activities in India with Head of Scientific Information Resource Division, BARC is the designated Liaison Officer.
INIS processes most of the World’s scientific and technical literature that falls within its subject scope. INIS maintains a bibliographic database which currently contains over 2.5 million abstracted and indexed records. A comprehensive additional collection of over 600,000 of full texts of Non Conventional Literature which is not easily available through the commercial channels, makes it the world’s most comprehensive and leading information source on the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology.
India is a participating member of INIS since its inception in 1970 and is represented by BARC. As a part of its obligations, BARC is responsible for identifying and providing in a standardised format, nuclear literature published in India. India's contribution to INIS databank represents 2-3% of the total volume. BARC receives from INIS Atom index in CD-ROM version and non-conventional literature (NCL) also on CD-ROM. (earlier NCL were received in microfiche form).
INIS database on Internet (1970 onwards) is available on Lakshya (Institute IP address based) and also on Saraswati.